David R. Brown
Emeritus Professor of Chemistry
Welcome to the home page for David Brown, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry from Southwestern College (SWC) in Chula Vista, California.
Although I executed an early retirement from SWC, I am still actively engaged in the STEM education and STEM workforce development communities, especially with regard to building capacity in my fellow STEM educators in two-year colleges.
My interests as a chemistry educator are wide and varied. They include doing my best to create learning environments conducive to facilitating undergraduates to learn (and hopefully enjoy) chemistry and also engaging them in research activities, developing educational programs and curricula, providing professional development activities for my fellow educators and engaging youth in hands-on science activities in an effort to increase their interest in education and careers in science, ultimately building capacity in the STEM enterprise.
Several of these endeavors have been funded through the generous support of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Professional Preparation (curriculum vitae) [PDF]
Professional Experience
- B.A., Chemistry, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
- Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Postdoctoral Research, University of California, San Diego
- Program Director, Division of Undergraduate Education, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2012-2015 (on leave from Southwestern College)
- Professor of Chemistry, Southwestern College, 2000-present
- Department Chair, Physical Sciences, Southwestern College, 2000-2002
- Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Southwestern College, 1996-2000
- Award for Incorporating Sustainability into Chemistry Education, American Chemical Society Committee on Environmental Improvement, 2012.
- Stanley C. Israel Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences, American Chemical Society Western Region, 2007.
Left to right in front are former Southwestern College students Monique Patrón,
Chona dela Cruz, Héctor Eduardo Mendoza Solano and Manuel Alingog on our trip
to the 2008 Posters on the Hill event held on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC,
sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research, where the students presented
results of their research. [Yours truly is in the back.]
NSF grants to support some of my activities include the following:
- “Broadening Institutional Participation in the NSF Advanced Technological Education Program,” NSF ATE program, $3,610,655, 2020 (NSF grant no. DUE 2018198).
- “Capacity-Building Workshops for Competitive S-STEM Proposals from Two-Year Colleges in the Western U.S.,” NSF S-STEM program, $457,004, 2018 (NSF grant no. DUE 1826514).
- “EAGER: Implementing Active Learning Strategies in Two-Year Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Impacts on Faculty Change and Student Success in STEM Courses,” NSF IUSE program, $288,978, 2017 (NSF grant no. DUE 1645083).
- “Project iLASER - Celebrating the International Year of Chemistry 2011,” NSF Chemistry and Informal Science Education programs, $150,000, 2011 (NSF grant no. CHE 1118663).
- “Project TUESTYC: A Workshop and Mentoring Program for Two-Year College Faculty,” NSF TUES program, $200,000, 2011 (NSF grant no. DUE 1129271).
- “Chemistry Coalitions, Workshops and Communities of Scholars,” NSF TUES program, 2010. The Principal Investigator is Jerry Smith at Georgia State University, and I was the Principal Investigator of a subaward to support the workshops at SWC in 2011 and 2017. (NSF grant no. DUE 1022895).
- “Broadening Participation in CCLI: a Workshop and Mentoring Program for Two-Year College Faculty,” NSF TUES program, $199,041, 2010 (NSF grant no. DUE 1029031).
- “A CCLI Proposal Preparation Workshop for Two-Year College Chemistry Faculty,” NSF CCLI program, $49,999, 2009 (NSF grant no. DUE 0924269).
- “Bridging Community College Chemistry Faculty into the National Educational Community,” NSF CCLI program, $200,000, 2007 (NSF grant no. DUE 0737166).
- “Establishing a Program in Chemical Technology at Southwestern College,” NSF ATE program, $211,615, 2001 (NSF grant no. DUE 0101729).
- “Instrumentation to Enhance the Chemistry Curriculum at Southwestern College,” NSF ILI program, $73,426, 1998 (NSF grant no. DUE 9850951).
Accounts of some of these activities have been reported in the media and scientific literature:
Celebrating the International Year of Chemistry 2011 through Project iLASER, an NSF-supported Science Outreach Activity
A video was produced by the Harlingen, TX Consolidated Independent School District
- “iLASER Comes To Imperial Beach,” Eagle & Times, January 3, 2012.
- “Sowing the seeds of chemistry along border towns,” Community College Times, December 27, 2011.
- “Solar Road Trip,” Chemical & Engineering News, December 5, 2011.
- “Light Learning: Project iLASER hits Jefferson Elementary,” Valley Morning Star, October 7, 2011.
- “Boys and Girls Learn Solar-Powered Lessons,” Imperial Valley Press, August 19, 2011.
- “Boys and Girls Learn Solar-Powered Lessons,” was also published in the Chicago Tribune, August 19, 2011.
A video was also produced by the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District in TX
Undergraduate Research
- “Community colleges find that faculty-student research projects help spot and develop STEM talent,” Feature article in ASEE Prism Magazine, April, 2012.
- “Taking Flight - Colleges Tap Research To Improve Science Instruction,” Cover story in Community College Week, March 5, 2012.
- “Community Colleges Boost CS & STEM Research,” Communications of the ACM, November 29, 2011.
- “Two-Year Colleges Are Jumping Into the U.S. Research Pool,” Science, September 16, 2011. [PDF]
- “Taking Dreams to Market,” Latino Magazine, Winter 2010.
- “A Formula for Success for Student Researchers,” Community College Times, July 9, 2010.
- “Research Opportunity Provides the Needed Spark,” Community College Times, July 9, 2010.
- “Nontraditional Paths,” Chemical & Engineering News, September 7, 2009.
- “Engaging Undergraduates in Chemical Research at Southwestern College,” in Undergraduate Research at Community Colleges, published by the Council on Undergraduate Research, Washington, DC, 2009.
- “Undertaking Chemical Research at a Community College,” Journal of Chemical Education, July 2006.
Professional Development
- “Grants to Improve STEM Ed,” Community College Times, December 5, 2014.
- “Advice on Seeking NSF Grants,” Community College Times, December 27, 2011.
- Strengthening Relationships between Chemistry Faculties at Two-Year and Four-Year Institutions,” Journal of Chemical Education, September, 2010 [Invited Editorial].
- “ChemEd Bridges: Building Bridges between Two-Year College Chemistry Faculty and the National Chemical Education Community,” Journal of Chemical Education, June 2010.
- “Drafting a Successful Proposal for Grant Funding,” Community College Times, April 15, 2010.
- “Community Colleges,” Chemical & Engineering News, September 7, 2009.
- “GIS, Other Fields Benefiting from MentorLinks,” Community College Times, February 3, 2009.
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The Joshua Tree Page
Joshua Tree Spring Break Travel Information
Photos from past Spring Break trips to Joshua Tree
My Headstand Page